walkers taking a selfie

What’s Your New Years Resolution? 5 Tips to Make Your Resolution Stick

The start of each year is a natural time to evaluate the year just gone and to start thinking about what you’d like to achieve in the year ahead. A New Year is your clean sheet of sorts, and a chance to start fresh with plans. We at Maximum Adventure see the new year as a time for new adventures.

Whether you’re wanting to improve your fitness, take on your next physical challenge, travel to new destinations and live through new experiences, we at Maximum Adventure want to support your new year goals.

It’s important to keep a positive momentum to make sure that your big ideas don’t fall by the way-side. To help you, in this Maximum Adventure article we give you our 5 top tips to make sure your resolutions stick.

What’s your new years’ resolution?

👇 Why not comment at the end of this article with your adventure goals for the new year, we’d love to hear from you. 👇


Tip #1: Push the boundaries



There’s no point in planning something with many barriers that will prevent you from completing it. This will only lead to disappointment. Yet, you’ll want to push yourself out of your comfort zone to feel that sense of achievement.

Planning your new years’ resolution is a balancing act between what’s not too challenging, but will also give you the sense of achievement you need to grow.

At Maximum Adventure, we’ve made this easier for you. For one, once you’ve booked onto one of our adventure packages, we do all the planning for you. Secondly, we listen to your needs and can advise you on the best adventure for you. This could be a challenging cycle from London to Paris, or a more moderate West Highland Way long-distance walk.


Tip #2: Write your resolution down



Record all the ideas that you have, no matter how small. This way you can tick things off your resolutions as you go and enjoy that sense of achievement. This will also help eliminate the possibility of forgetting any of those great ideas!


Tip #3: It’s a long year so pace yourself!



Just like a race, fell walk, or Alpine ascent, it’s important that you pace yourself. Remember, there are 12 months to get everything in, and you don’t want to go too hard out of the blocks, leaving nothing in the tank for the rest of the year.


Tip #4: Commit



Far too often your good intentions make it no further than a discussion in the pub on New Year’s Day. Don’t let that happen – get it booked! If some of your goals involve booking a flight, holiday, event or adventure – get it done and put it in the diary so you can start preparing and looking forward to it.


Tip #5: Celebrate your achievements



Once you’ve achieved something, don’t be afraid to shout about it! Receiving positive comments and feedback from colleagues will make you feel good, and you might even inspire somebody else to challenge themselves similarly.

Our goal at Maximum Adventure is to make adventures happen for people. This means telling you that you can do it, and working with you to help you achieve your potential.

Go on, commit to achieving your goals in 2022!

What’s your new year resolution? Is there an adventure or walk you’d like to see Maximum Adventure organize? We’d love to hear from you, please comment below. Who knows, you may even get featured in an upcoming article!