Opening Season

The Spring flowers are showing their heads in a blaze of colour and the weather is ‘trying’ to warm up and people have turned their minds to holidays!

I’m learning that tourism is a hard industry to predict but here at Maximum Adventure, our Customer Service is never hard to predict – you and your holiday are our focus, if you have a good holiday, we know we’ve done our job!

Many of our clients started booking for this year back in October and so it has been wonderful to set them off on their trips over the last few weeks.

One of the most popular trips so far has been the Winter Ben Nevis – 1 Day . An opportunity to learn essential skills for walking in wintery conditions, using an ice axe and crampons and basic navigation techniques … and then, you get to climb Ben Nevis! This trip goes out between December and April – maybe a thought for next year!

The Yorkshire 3 Peaks has also proved very popular within the last couple of weeks whether for personal experience or for a Team Building event for charity.

Feedback from one of our clients, “My Yorkshire Three Peaks recently was brilliant! It was so well organised; the guide was a reassuring presence, and it was a really enjoyable experience. I’ve definitely got the bug to do more!”

The West Highland Way and Hadrian’s Wall trips are also underway, our clients keen to explore before the really busy season starts.

More feedback, “I enjoyed my adventure very much. It is one of the best things I have ever done in terms of travelling!”

This is what we love to do, give people experiences that are memorable – and achievable! Whether this is climbing a mountain (or 3!) or cycling across countries!!

Our London to Paris cycling trips with a variety of pace options, give great opportunities to raise money for charity, Team build with your work mates or simply do something challenging for yourself. Maybe London to Amsterdam would offer a change to the usual ride.

For those of you who would like to get your teeth into something a bit more ‘gritty’, don’t forget we also offer the 3 Peaks Challenge – already proving popular in our opening season. Check the website for available dates. This could be your 2023 personal challenge or even 2024 fundraiser for a charity of your choice. How creative can you be? You don’t just need to take our word for it …. K feedback, ‘Such a great experience! I will definitely recommend it to others who are interested in 3 Peaks’

Check out our website Maximum Adventure and see where you can go in 2023!